Monday, July 20, 2015

Eight. EIGHT.... EIGHT??!!!‏

Hello everyone!!
Wow thank you all so much for you words of encouragement, love, and your beautiful testimonies that you shared with me. It makes me so excited to see so many emails from so many loved ones. I wish I had all the time in the world to express my love for you all indiviudally. But just know that I love you all so much, and wouldn't be who I am without you:)

This week was amazing. Possibly the most amazing week on my mission.
During our district meeting, we talked alot about planning and setting goals and how to use our time proficiently. So Sister Ramada decided that we should set goals for this week that are practical,yet stretchable. 

So we decided to plead with the lord to find inspiration on what goals we should set and for His help to achieve them. Long story short, we endeavored to find more appropriate fellowshippers for our progressing investigators, teach 40 lessons this week, and have investigators to come to church.

Sunday night, we truly saw the fruits of our labors and the Lord's hand in our work.
We accomplished 40 lessons, worked with members every single day, and EIGHT investigators came to church: The Gonzales and Obligado family. 


They all came and the Gonzalez family stayed for all three meetings!! The ward members were so kind and gave such great lessons. It was hilarious because our gospel essentials class was the hugest its ever been in months! The teacher wanted to go home and cry because of how huge the class was. It was such a glorious Sunday and it was all because of the Lord. How greatful I am to be His servant and stretch myself in ways I never knew possible.

I love the Ward Members of Legazpi so much and love working with them. They are such a joy and I love my companion sister Ramada dearly. And yes, The STL's Sisters Jemino and Dizon and the best. 

I love missionary work so much and love where I am.
The gospel is true.
Seeing the change and joy it brings to families makes every sacrifice worth it.
After all, it is the least that can be done for He who sacrificed all. 

love you all,
Sister Delgado

Mrs. Mayon 

Lignon Mountain!

hahaha these sisters!
I have way too much fun with these sisters. Love living with them.

The Utah mountains have nothing on me now.... I survived this one!! 

Sister Ramada and I at our finest. haha  Love this anak of mine!

Hiking up Lignon Mountain!

Legazpi City at 5 in the mornin!

The early bird gets the worm. And its definitely time to come to terms
with the fact that I'm obsessed with sunrises. The sleepiness throughout the day is worth it!!
just got flu shot...

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